Today, each of the companies activating in the service industry needs human resources specialization adopting the total quality management. The man power is the most valuable asset of a company. Because, the factor creates the competition advantage is the human. Our objective is to continuously improve the human resources applications and to create success evaluation facilities through measurable methods.
The Human Resources vision of Cinerler Group is to provide occupational and personal development purposed trainings to the new recruited personnel according to the target and strategies. It is a reliable community that values the personnel as an individual, acts fairly, shares the successes and prepares the environment necessary for the self-improvement of its personnel.
The objective of the Human Resources applications is to localize the most qualified labor in the fields of activation and to provide its sustainability. The recruitments in Cinerler Group are realized according to the annual labor planning and the required career levels.
As pre-recruitment process, assisting in the candidates in post-recruitment process and orienting them regarding their careers is one of the most certain indicators of our group's due diligence in investing to people.